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Rate Limiting

Rate limiting in Pode is inbuilt Middleware, that allows you to specify a maximum number of requests, per second, for an IP, Route, or Endpoint.

When rate limiting a subnet you can choose to either individually limit each IP address in a subnet, or you can group all IPs in a subnet together under a single limit.


To setup rate limiting in Pode you use the Add-PodeLimitRule function.

IP Address

You can either rate limit a specific IP address, a subnet mask, or every address using all. You can also supply an array of addresses/subnets as well, rather than one at a time.


If an IP address or subnet hits the limit within a second, then a 429 response is returned and the connection immediately closed. For SMTP/TCP servers the connection is just closed with no response.

The following example will limit requests from localhost to 5 requests per second:

Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values -Limit 5 -Seconds 1

Whereas the following example will rate limit requests from a subnet. By default each IP address within the subnet are limited to 5 requests per second:

Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values -Limit 5 -Seconds 1

To treat all IP addresses within by a subnet as one, using a shared limit, you can supply the -Group switch:

Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values -Limit 5 -Seconds 1 -Group

To rate limit requests from multiple addresses in one line, the following example will work:

Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values @('', '') -Limit 5 -Seconds 1

Finally, to rate limit requests from every address you can use the all keyword:

Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values all -Limit 5 -Seconds 1


To assign rate limiting to a specific route, you can pass its path to Add-PodeLimitRule. The following with limit the /downloads route to 5 requests every second:

Add-PodeLimitRule -Type Route -Values '/downloads' -Limit 5 -Seconds 1


To assign rate limiting to a specific endpoint, you can pass an enpoint's name to Add-PodeLimitRule. The following with limit the User endpoint to 5 requests every second:

Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Port 8090 -Protocol Http -Name 'Admin'
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Port 8090 -Protocol Http -Name 'User'

Add-PodeLimitRule -Type Endpoint -Values 'User' -Limit 5 -Seconds 1


Since rate limiting is an inbuilt Middleware, then when you setup rules via the Add-PodeLimitRule function the point at which the limit is checked on the request lifecycle is fixed (see here).

This means you can override the inbuilt rate limiting logic, with your own custom logic, using the Add-PodeMiddleware function. To override the rate limiting logic you can pass __pode_mw_rate_limit__ to the -Name parameter of the Add-PodeMiddleware function.

The following example uses rate limiting, and defines Middleware that will override the inbuilt limiting logic:

Start-PodeServer {
    # attach to port 8080
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

    # assign limiting to localhost
    Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values @('', '[::1]') -Limit 10 -Seconds 2

    # create middleware to override the inbuilt rate limiting logic.
    # this will ignore the limiting part, and just allow the request
    Add-PodeMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_rate_limit__' -ScriptBlock {
        return $true

    # basic route
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -ScriptBlock {
        # logic